A List of the Needs – Old
We have been collecting data, and have, with the help of our restoration consultant, compiled a tentative list of our more immediate needs. We also asked Church members to add to our “Wish List”. Needs and Priorities may change as we get deeper into the project.
PART A. Architect’s Recommendations with Priorities:
- Foundation repair under projection at rear of sanctuary – $1,000
- Rebuild/repoint Parish Hall chimney – $900
- Repair fan light and replace broken window at front of Sanctuary – $3,000
- Remove debris, clean, level, area under Parish Hall, cover with plastic – $5,000
- Provide new support posts and retaining planks under Parish Hall – $ 5,000
- Replace skirt walls around base of Parish Hall with vented synthetic material – $19,000
Total Estimate for PHASE ONE: $ 33,900
- Complete Restoration of seven (7) large Sanctuary windows – $40,000
- Mortar joint repointing and renewal of mortar under Sanctuary – $ 1,000
- Replace shingles on rear shed roofs of Sanctuary and Parish Hall – $ 1,500
Total Estimate for PHASE TWO: $ 42,500
- Parish Hall Walls and Windows: Replace cracked clapboards, repair rear gable end access door, replace missing trim at cornice, painting and window reglazing – $10,000
- Sanctuary Walls and Windows: Replace cracked clapboards, repair front matched-board siding and misc. trim, reglaze minor windows, and painting – $20,000
Total Estimate for PHASE THREE: $ 30,000
- Central Entrance Area: Replace current concrete platform with new concrete or wood bridge – $10,000-40,000
- Central Entrance Area: Carpentry repairs, reglazing or replacement of windows, and painting – $12,000-20,000
- Central Entrance Area: Landscaping to control water flow, and protect building foundations – $10,000-20,000
Total Estimate for PHASE FOUR: $ 32,000 – 80,000
PART B. Additional Requests from our Community Wish List:
(Not yet assigned Priorities)
Restore/Repair Organ: Estimate – $80,000-90,000
Replace Heating System: Estimate – $50,000
Replace Floor Coverings in “Connector Area”: Estimate – $15,000
Replace Cupola on Sanctuary Roof: Estimate – $10,000
Add Cushioned Pew Pads to Sanctuary: Estimate – $10,000