Coffee & Carbs
The name, “Coffee and Carbs” doesn’t conjure up a church group, but it is. At 10:00 every Friday morning a group of women, mostly from UUCSB, gathers in community at the Saco Bay Variety, 216 Beach St., where Sonny and his crew welcome us warmly. The first ones to arrive push tables together to accommodate the 6-12 women who drift in around 10:00. After purchasing a cup of coffee or tea or cold drink, everyone claims a seat. Those who are hungry order breakfast or sweet carbs, which are delivered with a smile.
For the next hour-plus we talk, laugh, sometimes even break out in song. Conversation is often light, other times deep, as we share our lives in and beyond church. Out of these weekly gatherings have come plans for memoir-writing workshops, summer lay-led services, and supportive actions for church and/or community.
We are more than a social group, though attending is a great way to get to know one another. We tend to be retired women, but we welcome all. Join us for coffee, carbs, and conversation . We’ve saved a chair for you.
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