Speaker: Ellie Rolnick

Out Beyond

Jalal ad-D?n Muhammad Rumi, the 13th Century Persian poet, is quoted to write:  ‘Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field.  I’ll meet you there’.  I’ve come upon a challenge making it difficult to find that field.  Join me as I share my quandary in words and song.

A Midsummer Morning Sing

Summer services will begin on June 24th at 8:30 am.  These half-hour lay-led services will continue through August 26th.  Regular Sunday services will resume on September 9th.  Volunteers to lead each of these ten services are needed.  The signup sheet  is posted on the bulletin board outside the restrooms. Please sign up to lead one … Continue reading A Midsummer Morning Sing

Flower Communion

We will wrap up the regular church year with a beautiful service of celebration.  Please bring a cut flower, potted plant, bulb or seed to exchange.  Today we will also welcome new members to our congregation with this formal recognition.


In this holiday recognizing that which makes Unitarian Universalism distinctive, we celebrate the light that shines within each of us. We honor our Unitarian Universalist faith for allowing us to pursue spirit with reason.  We express our commitment to the principles that guide us and to actions that transform the world.  And we celebrate the freedom … Continue reading Luminescence

Hymn Sing

November 19th is our annual autumn Hymn Sing.  Help choir director, Ellie Rolnick, lead the service with YOUR favorite hymns.   Paper and pencils will be handed out for that purpose on October 29, November 5 and November 12.  ONE NUMBER ONLY please!  Remember to check out Singing the Journey as well as Singing the … Continue reading Hymn Sing