Zoom Worship
Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/2399631729 Meeting ID: 239 963 1729 PW: 186257 Phone: 646 876 9923
Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/2399631729 Meeting ID: 239 963 1729 PW: 186257 Phone: 646 876 9923
For many years, and in far to many circumstances, the word “queer” was used as a derogatory statement generally hurled at gender and sexual minorities. Yet, today, the word “queer” is used by many people in the LGBTQIA+ community as a word of identity, pride, and power. What’s in a name? What’s behind the label? … Continue reading Holy Queerness
The hours of daylight are quickly being eclipsed by the hours of darkness as we approach the solstice on December 21st. For centuries, people have marked this time of year by lighting candles on wheels (Pagans), wreaths (Christians), and crowns (St. Lucia fests in Scandinavia) to add more light to the darkness. As days get … Continue reading A Light in the Darkness – A Solstice Service