Deep Listening: The Magic of Music & Mantra
Click HERE to join us on YouTube 2024.10.20-OOS
Click HERE to join us on YouTube 2024.10.20-OOS
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Click HERE to join us on YouTube 2023.04.30-OOS 2023.04.30.The Truth Poem
2022.05.15.OOS 2022.05.15.insert Rev. Todd Glacy is an enlightenment advocate, empowerment educator, and instiga-tor of joy. He is an ordained interfaith minister, licensed counselor, certified life coach, yoga and meditation instructor and professional musician. He has traveled extensively as a guest speaker and workshop facilitator helping empower people to lead happy, healthy and fulfilling lives.
We are the eyes, ears, hands and heart of GOD creating and expressing in the world. When we use our gifts to bless and serve others, we are doing holy work. In this sermon we will explore the process of creation and how to tune in and best serve the will of GOD. Reverend Todd … Continue reading The Vibration of Creation – Being an Instrument of Love
What does the author of the book of Ephesians in the Bible have to say to humanity 2000 years later? Through this letter to the young Christian community in the region of Ephesia, the Apostle Paul addresses his biggest concerns and offers his Christ-Centered solutions for empowering and building a diverse and inclusive community. Today … Continue reading Supporting and Sustaining Diverse Community