Speaker: Vicki Boucher

Blessing of the Animals

Bring a pet. Bring a picture of a pet. Today we will celebrate our traditional blessing of the animals. Pets will be welcome in the Sanctuary during the  service. The RE children will be blessing the animals during the service.  All Ages Service.


As the final of three Harvest celebrations, many pagan and earth based religions take this time to show respect for those who have passed on and reflect on the love and wisdom we have gleaned from them.  Come celebrate the mysteries of life and death and discover how we cannot have either without the other. … Continue reading Samhain

Blessing of the Animals

Come Join the RE folks as they deliver a service that will have you laughing, singing and reflecting.  They’ll even bless your animal friends or remembrances!  The blessings will be held inside (please seat your fur babies on the left side pews) and outside for the community that may not feel comfortable coming indoors.  The … Continue reading Blessing of the Animals